We’re gearing up for a fresh and tasty Spring Harvest Festival day at Elizabeth Farm this Sunday, September 25. From the basics of bread making and butter churning to planting, pickling and preserving garden produce, we draw on traditional artisan practices that filled pantries in the colony in the early 1800s.
Feast with us
Bring a picnic blanket and indulge in the offerings of the day – roasted lamb from Feather and Bone, delicious pies from the Broomfield Pie Company, ploughman’s lunches from The Elizabeth Farm Tearooms, or assemble your own with charcuterie and French cheeses from Steph’s Gourmet Foods, chutneys, relishes and pickles from Cornersmith and Eat Me Chutneys. Discover some native flavours from Currong Comestibles and Millamolong Australia’s refreshing drinks.Fill the gaps with Devonshire teas and sweet treats from the Elizabeth Farm Tearooms and barrister coffee from the Darcy Street crew.

Samples for tasting at Elizabeth Farm Spring Harvest Festival Photo © James Horan for Sydney Living Museums
Meet the makers
Come along and meet the makers who will be giving demonstrations and workshops, spending time ‘in conversation’ with Barbara Sweeney, manning stalls and offering tastings of their specialties. Pepe Sayer will show how simple it can be to make butter at home, and Cornersmith will be showing you some step-by-step tips for pickling fresh vegies; Michael Klausen from Brasserie bread will be talking about the importance of single origin grains. Jacky Dalton will be holding bread making workshops in the colonial kitchen and kids can try their hand at grinding wheat and kneading dough.

Taking time out for growers and producers talks at Elizabeth Farm Spring Harvest Festival Photo © James Horan
Green thumbs
Our heritage horticulturalist Anita Rayner and Mickey Robertson from Glenmore House will be talking about their experiences with traditional gardening techniques, and Anita will be inviting kids to plant seeds which they can take home and nurture into plants.

Heritage horticulturalist Anita Rayner with a jam melon grown in the kitchen garden. Photo © James Horan for Sydney Living Museums