This week we raise our glasses to our colleague Alysha, who has been a central part of The Cook and Curator team since the very beginning, and is leaving us for new adventures.
When we first sat down some 3 years ago to start discussing what form this blog would take, Alysha Buss was a part of the very first production team. Less than a year in and planning began on the ‘A shared table’ exhibition. Since then the blog has powered on, reaching its 200th post a fortnight ago, and another major project has been completed (watch this space!). In all that time Alysha’s perpetually calm demeanor when dealing with her two enthusiastic colleagues in the ‘Food and Wine Division’ was an asset that we cant praise highly enough.

“Say cheese!” Jacqui Alysha and Scott at the opening of ‘A Shared Table’. Photograph (c) James Horan for Sydney Living Museums
Polishing silver, road-testing recipes, chasing up details, exhibition installation, tracking down images, formatting them with correct citations, editing, keeping an eye on copyright and usage rights, explaining (for the tenth time, to me) exactly how something technical works, meticulous record-keeping and maintaining a smile as rogue jellies escaped were all part of Alysha’s ‘Eat your history’ repertoire – and we cant thank her enough for her tireless efforts.
So farewell Alysha as you head off on your grand adventure, and we’re all looking forward to catching up in the kitchens of Hampton Court! (and feel free to log in and correct all those spelling mistakes and dodgy citations of mine you used to spot!)
Final preparation of the Macleay Table display for the ‘Eat Your History – A Shared Table’ exhibition. Photo (c) Scott Hill for Sydney Living Museums

Members of the exhibition team for ‘A Shared Table’ – Alysha, Scott, Bob, Jacqui and Kieran – after a long days filming of the Macleay table set-up. Photo (c) Sydney Living Museums
And the ‘other major project’? You’ll have to wait and see what Jacqui is serving up!