Time is running out for you to see the Eat Your History: A Shared Table at Museum of Sydney – closing March 9th!
We’ve had such a positive response from locals and overseas visitors, many who have shared their food memories and favourite recipes with us in return – from ‘my dad’s baskety’ (spaghetti) to exotic (we presume) dishes written entirely in the visitor’s home language.
The exhibition has stirred many memories of Mums and Grandmothers recipes, family roast dinners – especially the iconic Australian lamb roast! Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners, and dozens of pasta and noodle dishes which take the crown for comfort food it seems, hotly contested by chocolate in all forms – cakes, puddings and brownies – even ‘instant’ versions made in a cup in the microwave! That ‘s a modern culinary art that would have had most of the people who cooked in our historic kitchens in complete awe and disbelief!

Recipe for microwave brownies or chocolate cake left by a visitor to the Eat your history: a shared table exhibition
We’d love your contribution to the mix – you can fill in a recipe card at the exhibition or adding a comment on this blog.
We’ve featured some recipe cards from our junior foodies here but this one is a teaser for next week’s post!