Comments on: Allan Levick, Bondi 1957 an Historic Houses Trust blog Sat, 16 Jun 2012 03:24:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allan Levick Sat, 16 Jun 2012 03:24:33 +0000 Hi again Tim, just an addendum to my message a little earlier. I believe that it is both sad and unfortunate that the “ockanui’ board was only in “vogue” and produced for a year or two. What many people don’t realize is that this board, being HOLLOW and therefore very buoyant, allowed us to pick up “green” (unbroken) waves, up to 30 or 40 metres further out in the bay, compared to the shorter, less buoyant Balsa/GRP “Hot-Dog” board riders,having to wait for a wave to curl and break!It is probably unfair to make comparisons, BUT I still reckon that us “Ockanui riders had (by far) the best of both worlds, particularly with the “magic” fin which allowed us to really steer and change direction quickly , as a result of which we used to have longer duration rides compared to the “hot-doggers”.Maybe not as spectacular, but, in my book, much more satisfying ! I just know I will be branded an “OLD FOGEY”, but I will wear that label with pleasure ! Cheers Again…….Allan.

By: Allan Levick Sat, 16 Jun 2012 02:44:35 +0000 Thanks Tim,I am happy that you found the 8mm film footage of me, in action, on my “Ockanui” board, both interesting & emotive.I agree with Gary Crockett that it is almost certainly “unique” and filled in that gap in surfing history. I pay tribute to my very best mate of 60 years, VERN COOPER, for his foresight, in actually “shooting” that footage on Bondi Beach, on his “U-Beaut” 8mm movie camera. Little did he know that he would be responsible for filling in that little bit of surfing history! Sadly, Vern passed away 10 days ago, but he was fully aware (and proud of)the small part he played in “History”.Kind regards, Allan.

By: tim baker Thu, 24 May 2012 09:25:33 +0000 Gary, I love this stuff, really filling in the blanks in surf history for me. Awesome stuff,
